
Stay up to date with our latest blog articles on global macro and investing.

Global Macro Strategy: A Guide

What is Global Macro Global macro is an investment strategy used primarily by hedge funds to profit from broad economic and political shifts across the globe. These funds employ a top-down investment approach, starting with an evaluation of the overall global economic landscape and then drilling down by country, region,

Balance of Payments Crisis: Definition and Examples

A balance of payments crisis occurs when a country is unable to pay for essential imports or service its external debt payments due to a shortage of foreign exchange reserves. The key characteristics of a balance of payments crisis are: * Rapidly falling foreign exchange reserves or reserves being maintained only

How Do You Short Treasuries

Intrigued by the potential for profiting from a rise in interest rates or a decline in bond prices? Shorting US Treasuries offers a way to do just that. However, it's important to understand the different strategies available and the risks involved before diving in. This article explores various

What is the Simplified Fisher Equation

The simplified Fisher equation is a formula used to describe the relationship between nominal interest rates, real interest rates, and expected inflation. It is expressed as: Nominal Interest Rate (i) ≈ Real Interest Rate (r) + Expected Inflation Rate (π) This equation states that the nominal interest rate is equal to the

How Does Consumer Price Index Affect Stock Market

The Consumer Price Index (CPI) has a significant impact on the stock market. It is a widely followed economic indicator that measures the average change in prices of a basket of goods and services consumed by households. The CPI is used to track inflation, which is a critical factor in

What Are US Equities

US equities refer to stocks and equity securities traded on US stock exchanges. The main US equities markets are: * The New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), which operates five equities exchanges using the NYSE Pillar trading technology platform. The NYSE offers multiple trading models to provide a superior trading environment. * Cboe

What Is an Example of a Global Macro Trade?

Global macro is a trading strategy where investors capitalize on broad economic trends and events impacting markets worldwide. This approach involves analyzing macroeconomic factors – like interest rates, inflation, and economic growth – to make informed decisions on diverse assets, including currencies, bonds, commodities, and equity indices. One prominent example of a

Why is the Japanese Yen so Weak?

The Japanese Yen has been making headlines for all the wrong reasons, hitting multi-decade lows against the US dollar and other major currencies. This persistent weakness has sparked concerns about its impact on the Japanese economy, prompting questions about the underlying causes and potential consequences. This article delves into the

Fed Funds Market: A Primer

In this post, we'll look at the Fed Funds market, how it impacts the US economy, and the key players that are driving the Fed Funds market. What is the Fed Funds Market? The Fed Funds market is essentially an overnight lending market where banks with excess reserves

Eurodollar: A Primer

The Eurodollar market, a cornerstone of global finance, often remains shrouded in mystery. What exactly are Eurodollars? Who participates in this market and why? How do Eurodollars influence international trade? This article delves into these questions, shedding light on the inner workings of this crucial financial instrument. What is a