
What is the Real Exchange Rate?

The real exchange rate (RER) is a crucial concept in international economics that measures the purchasing power of one country's currency relative to another. It is not just about the nominal value of one currency in terms of another but also takes into account the relative prices of

Bond Spreads and Their Relationship with Credit Risk

Bond spreads are a crucial metric in the financial markets, reflecting the difference in yields between bonds of varying credit qualities. This difference is fundamentally driven by the market's perception of credit risk, which is the likelihood that a borrower will default on their debt obligations. What are

Factors Affecting Cocoa Prices

The cocoa market has been in a state of significant flux in 2024, with prices reaching historic highs and impacting various industries, from chocolate manufacturing to cosmetics and pharmaceuticals. Here, we will delve into the key factors driving these price increases and their broader implications. Reduced Cocoa Production One of

What the Real Interest Rate Tells You

The real interest rate is a crucial economic indicator that tells you how much return you can expect on an investment after accounting for inflation. Here's a breakdown of what it reveals: The True Cost of Borrowing * Nominal vs. Real: The nominal interest rate is the stated rate

Why Is Japan’s Debt So High

Japan, a nation known for its technological prowess and economic stability, faces a daunting challenge: a staggering level of national debt. With public debt exceeding 220% of GDP, it's the highest among major economies. But how did this happen? Here are three key reasons: Decades of Stimulus: A

Is Japan's Debt Level Causing Yen's weakness

The Japanese Yen (JPY) has been on a downward spiral since 2022, recently hitting a fresh 16-year low against the US Dollar (USD). While the Bank of Japan's (BoJ) recent move to end negative interest rates has contributed to the yen's weakness, a deeper dive reveals

Risk-On vs Risk-Off: What Does It Mean in Financial Markets?

Risk-on and risk-off are terms used to describe the attitude and approach investors take towards risk during different economic scenarios in financial markets. The concept is crucial for understanding market sentiment and aligning investment strategies with prevailing market conditions. Risk-On A "risk-on" environment is characterized by a sentiment

The Shifting Sands of Corporate Credit: How Firms Are Funding Their Growth

Firms' access to credit is the lifeblood of their operations, impacting decisions about investment, hiring, and overall growth. While we often think of credit availability in broad terms, in reality, firms have access to a diverse range of borrowing markets, each with its own unique conditions. A recent note

What Is Bear Steepening

The yield curve, a graphical representation of interest rates across different maturities, can provide valuable insights into market sentiment and economic prospects. One specific pattern, known as "bear steepening", is often viewed as a harbinger of economic weakness. A bear steepening occurs when long-term interest rates climb faster

What Is Bull Steepening

A bull steepening refers to a situation where the yield curve steepens primarily due to a decline in short-term interest rates relative to long-term rates. Specifically, a bull steepening occurs when: * Short-term yields fall faster than long-term yields, widening the gap or spread between short and long-term rates. * This is