3 min read

What is the Real Exchange Rate?

The real exchange rate (RER) is a crucial concept in international economics that measures the purchasing power of one country's currency relative to another. Unlike the nominal exchange rate, which only considers the value of one currency in terms of another, the RER factors in the relative prices of goods and services between the two countries. This article delves into the definition, calculation, and significance of the real exchange rate using the latest data and figures.

Definition of Real Exchange Rate

The real exchange rate (RER) is defined as the product of the nominal exchange rate (NER) and the ratio of prices between the two countries. The core equation for calculating RER is:


  • \( e \) is the nominal exchange rate (the price of one currency in terms of another),
  • \( P^ \) is the average price of a good in the foreign country,
  • \( P \) is the average price of the same good in the home country.

To illustrate, imagine the nominal exchange rate is 1.36 USD per euro, and the average price of a Big Mac is 2.5 euros in Germany and $3.40 in the United States. The RER would be calculated as:

This implies that a Big Mac costs roughly the same in both countries after adjusting for the exchange rate. However, if the German price were 3 euros, the RER would be 1.2, indicating that the Big Mac is relatively cheaper in Germany.

Calculation of Real Exchange Rates

Let's solidify our understanding with another example. Suppose the nominal exchange rate between the US dollar and the euro remains at 1.36 USD per euro. However, the average price of a Big Mac in Germany is now 3 euros, while it remains $3.40 in the United States. The calculation becomes:

This result demonstrates that the Big Mac costs approximately 20% less in Germany than in the United States when we account for both the exchange rate and price differences.

Significance of Real Exchange Rates

Real exchange rates are significant because they provide economists and policymakers with valuable insights into the relative purchasing power of different currencies. An appreciation in the real exchange rate suggests that a country's currency is overvalued relative to its trading partners. This makes its goods and services more expensive in foreign markets, potentially impacting trade balances.

Conversely, a depreciation in the real exchange rate implies that a country's currency is undervalued, making its goods and services more attractive to foreign buyers. For instance, the substantial U.S. trade deficit with China has been partly attributed to a misaligned real exchange rate, where Chinese goods appear cheaper for U.S. consumers.

Effective Exchange Rates

While bilateral real exchange rates offer a comparison between two countries, effective exchange rates (EERs) provide a broader perspective. EERs calculate a weighted average of bilateral real exchange rates across multiple trading partners, offering a measure of a country's overall international competitiveness and financial conditions. The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) provides widely used EER indices covering 64 economies.

EERs are calculated as geometric weighted averages of bilateral exchange rates. The weights are derived from manufacturing trade flows, capturing both direct bilateral trade and third-market competition. This approach ensures a comprehensive assessment of a country's competitive position in the global market. Additionally, the BIS utilizes time-varying weights to account for evolving trade patterns, further enhancing the accuracy of EERs.

Practical Applications

Understanding real exchange rates is crucial for making informed financial decisions, encompassing investment strategies and trade policies. For instance, if a country's real exchange rate is appreciating, it might signal an overvalued currency, potentially leading to reduced exports and increased imports.

Conversely, a depreciating real exchange rate could indicate undervaluation, making exports more competitive in foreign markets. This information is valuable for businesses engaged in international trade and investors seeking to optimize their portfolios by considering currency fluctuations and their impact on returns.

In conclusion, the real exchange rate is a powerful tool for assessing the relative purchasing power of different currencies. By considering both nominal exchange rates and relative price levels, it provides a comprehensive view of international trade dynamics. As the global economy continues to evolve, a firm grasp of the real exchange rate remains essential for informed decision-making in finance and trade.
